Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tuesday Telling

 Monday afternoon's hot spot!
 Happy Gotcha MONTH to Mom and ME!!!
 Same fur Tommy and His #1!
 More weekend excitment -

Yes, we hear the SKHWEES!!!

We had a nice relaxing Monday - a walk - naps - snoopervized Mom changing the bed sheets - she made short ROTE to Leg Up Farmers Market fur some tasty human stuff - of khourse, we MIGHT get to share some 

Thank woo fur the nice wishes fur TADN - she was on our minds all day - and from what Mom spotted on my bed, paid us a visit - we'll share that on Thursday!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!



Dandy Duke said...

Happy Gotcha Month to you and your mom, Khyra! That's a whole month to celebrate☺

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Month to you and your Mom, Khyra - we think you should all celebrate every day!!!

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Gotcha month!
Lily & Edward